Sains Malaysiana 54(1)(2025): 59-75


Pembentukan Tanah Baki di Malaysia melalui Faktor Kawalan Fizikal Batuan Induk

(The Formation of Residual Soil in Malaysia from the Physical Control Factor of Parent Rocks)




1Jabatan Sains Bumi dan Alam Sekitar, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
2Kumpulan Teknologi Bahan, Bahagian Teknologi Industri, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia


Received: 6 May 2024/Accepted: 3 October 2024



Batuan induk utamaigneus, sedimen dan metamorf menghasilkan variasi tanah baki in situ yang berbeza di Malaysia. Kajian ini membangunkan nilai fizikal terkini ke atas 38 sampel tanah baki berbeza batuan induk di seluruh Malaysia dengan pengkhususan diberikan ke atas nilai taburan saiz butiran (PSD), had Atterberg melalui penentuan had plastik (PL), had cecair (LL) dan indeks keplastikan (PI), graviti tentu (Gs), indeks tekstur luluhawa (Iw) dan cirian morfologi mikro mineral lempung. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat variasi unjuran PSD dan darjah ketekalan tanah mengikut jenis tanah baki. Tanah baki igneus mempunyai kandungan pasir (Pr) kasar dan kerikil (Kl) yang tinggi dengan julat nilai 83.5%-93.31%. Peratusan lodak (Lk) dan lempung (Lg) adalah rendah ke sederhana, berjulat 6.69%-16.5% serta nilai Gs berjulat sekitar 2.35-2.56. Darjah keplastikan tanah baki igneus adalah rendahsederhana dengan nilai PL sekitar 27.7%-40.53%, nilai LL berjulat 40.0%-53.93% dan nilai PI sekitar 8.34%-14.56%. Tanah baki metamorf mempunyai peratus butiran kasar yang tinggi dengan julat peratusan Pr + Kl antara 75.5%-95% dan peratus Lk + Lg yang rendahsederhana berjulat antara 5%-24.5%. Julat Gs adalah antara 2.52-2.71.  Nilai PL dan LL masing-masing berjulat antara 19.21%-36.48% dan 29.55%-61.83% dengan nilai PI sekitar 3.60%-25.35%. Tanah baki igneus dan metamorf memperlihatkan nilai Iw yang rendah berbanding tanah baki sedimen dengan kehadiran mineral lempung stabil seperti kaolinit dan haloisit serta peratus butiran kohesif yang rendah. Sampel tanah baki sedimen mempunyai peratus butiran kasar yang lebih rendah dengan julat Pr + Kl  antara 54.07%-88% dan peratusan butiran halus Lk + Lg yang tinggi dengan julat antara 12%-45.93%. Julat Gs adalah antara 2.40-2.70. Tanah baki sedimen juga mempunyai darjah keplastikan yang tinggi dengan julat nilai PL dan LL masing-masing antara 21.58%-40.71% dan 38.95%-88.42% serta nilai PI sekitar 7.24%-51.61%. Tanah ini ditandai dengan kehadiran mineral lempung mengembang seperti montmorilonit dan vermikulit.


Kata kunci: Mineral lempung; sifat fizikal; taburan saiz butiran; tanah baki



The main parent rocks – igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic produce different in situ residual soil variations in Malaysia. The study developed the latest physical values obtained for 38 soil samples from different parent rock throughout Malaysia, focusing on the particle size distribution (PSD) value, Atterberg limits from the determination of plastic limit (PL), liquid limit (LL) and plasticity index (PI), specific gravity (Gs), weathering textural index (Iw), and micro-morphological properties of clay minerals. The results found varying PSD projections and degree of soil consistency show depending on residual soils type. The residual igneous soil has a high content of coarse sand (Pr) and gravel (Kl) ranging from 83.5%-93.31%. The percentage of silt (Lk) and clay (Lg) is low-medium, ranging from 6.69%-16.5% and the Gs values ranged between 2.35-2.56. The degree of plasticity of the igneous residual soil is low to moderate, with PL and LL values ranging between 27.7%-40.53% and 40.0%-53.93%, respectively, and PI values around 8.34%-14.56%. Metamorphic residual soil has a higher coarse grains percentage with a Pr + Kl percentage ranging between 75.5%-95% and low-medium range of Lk + Lg ranging between 5%-24.5%. The Gs ranges between 2.52-2.71. The PL and LL values each ranging between 19.21%-36.48% and 29.55%-61.83%, respectively, with the PI values between 3.60%-25.35%. Igneous and metamorphic residual soils show a lower Iw values compared to sedimentary residual soils, with the presence of stable clay minerals like kaolinite and halloysite and lower percentage of cohesive particles. The sedimentary residual soils sample has a lower coarse grains percentage with Pr + Kl ranges between 54.07%-88% and a higher finer grains Lk + Lg percentage with a range between 12%- 45.93%. The Gs ranges between 2.40-2.70. Sedimentary residual soils also show a high degree of plasticity, with a range of PL and LL values between 21.58%-40.71% and 38.95%-88.42%, respectively, and PI values between 7.24%-51.61%. This soil is marked by the presence of expanding clay minerals like montmorillonite and vermiculite.


Keywords: Clay minerals; particle size distribution; physical properties; residual soil



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